Wednesday, October 30, 2013

I ACTUALLY did it!! Did what? Started myself a blog. :)

October 30, 2013

Well, today is the day I decided I would start my blog. I guess it was just time. Necessary. But, I am only writing to myself, which is pretty easy to do. I have lots of wonderful and colorful conversations in my I know that sounds funny (like whoa, maybe she needs "help). Well in a sense maybe I do, maybe I need the release of my own thoughts on paper. I don't know if I want to blog daily or just once in a while when I have a whole lot to say and feel like nobody is listening. Right now my main goal was just to start and I HAVE ACCOMPLISHED that for now. So this blog isn't geared to anything specific. I'll just write about whatever, whenever I decide to, whether it just be about the weather or a lot about life. Some of my writing might even be my personal response to some current event or happening. OK, I really need to go to bed. I am getting sleepy. Until next time..see ya later. OH and one last thing, my blogs will not be focused on having perfect grammar. I might have plenty of grammatical errors now and then, but for the most I'm just going with the flow. Doing all I can to get my words recorded. So with that, TTFNt (ta ta for now, in case you didn't know what those letters together like that stand for. Good night world. 
Love, nic

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